Do you provide any cosmetic treatments for the vulva?
Yes, if you are looking to enhance the appearance of your intimate parts we can help. Tired of shaving/waxing? Tired of the raised, unsightly mole or skin tag that catches with underwear? Or would you like to spice up your sexual life by having a fuller and more youthful vulva? These are the treatments you may be interested in:
- Bikini line laser hair removal
- Mole and skin tag removal, see Minor surgery page
- Labia majora Augmentation with Desirial Plus HA filler- Labial Puff
- Desirial HA filler Vaginal injections for Vaginal dryness
Labia majora Augmentation with Desirial Plus HA filler- Labial Puff
As women reach the menopause, many parts of the body undergo changes. The big labia (labia majora) can deflate and become saggy. Desirial Plus HA (hyaluronaic acid) filler has been designed specifically for this indication, to restore volume in the labia. It’s a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure that involves 1x injection into each labia to restore fullness and more youthful appearance.
What are the indications for vulval fillers?
- Deflation, loss of volume in the labia as part of ageing.
- Natural, small/flat labia majora that patients are born with but would like to see fuller.
- Congenital asymmetrical size of the labia.
- To improve the appearance of enlarged labia minora (small labia) by making them less prominent (hiding them) by enlarging the labia majora (big labia). This is particularly good for patients who do not wish to have surgical reduction.
Is it safe to have vulval fillers?
If the procedure is performed by a doctor familiar with vulval anatomy and has had training, the answer is yes. HA fillers in general (whether Desirial or facial fillers such as Juvaderm or Restylane), are considered to be the safest of the dermal fillers as they are made of a natural product and dissolve over time.
Who performs this procedure?
Dr. Susana Morris, Consultant dermatologist, who has a special interest in Vulval dermatology. You will be offered a 2-week complimentary review to assess the results and discuss any queries or concerns you may have.
How long do the effects of Desirial Plus last?
All HA fillers degrade (dissolve) over time. The average time for Desirial Plus is between 8-12 months.
Is it painful?
You will have an anaesthetic cream applied 30min before the procedure. This is followed by injection of local anaesthetic so that the actual procedure gives you minimal discomfort.
Will it affect my sex life?
The vulva will be a bit swollen and sore for a few days, so we recommend to abstain from intercourse, cycling and horse riding during that period of time. After that, hopefully a beautiful looking vulva will give you that extra confidence during your intimate moments.
Are there any contraindications?
We do not recommend vulval fillers if you have a current genital infection including Herpetic infection or if you are Pregnant. The doctor will go through your medical history, medication and examine you to asses if this treatment is suitable for you.
What are the differences between volume enhancement with Desirial Plus compared to fat transplant?
One treatment is not a substitute for the other. There are some differences giving both advantages and disadvantages. The fat transfer procedure is more complex, requiring liposuction first to harvest the fat tissue that is subsequently injected into the labia. It’s usually done under general anaesthetic/local anaesthetic with sedation. Some proportion of fat cells (up to 50%) transferred into the labia will die so the final volume of the labia may be significantly smaller than seen initially after surgery. There is also a risk of asymmetry. The advantage is that you get a liposuction at the same time and the fat tissue is a more permanent solution than fillers.
With Desirial plus, there is no need for general anaesthetic or sedation. There are less complications as no liposuction involved. It is a relatively quick procedure with minimal downtime. The entire injected volume of the filler will stay until it dissolves in 8-12 months.
Desirial HA fillers for Vaginal dryness
Many women suffer with vaginal dryness either post-menopause or due to anti-oestrogen treatment for breast cancer. Your doctor would have tried some topical oestrogens such as Vagifem as first line of treatment.
If you continue to suffer with vaginal dryness you may be a candidate for Desirial filler injections that pull the water from blood vessels in the vaginal skin to the mucosal surface. Several studies on Desirial -vaginal fillers in women who take anti-oestrogen treatment for breast cancer, showed significant reduction in vaginal dryness, soreness during intercourse and overall better compliance in taking the breast cancer medication.
How long does the benefit last?
On average the benefit lasts for 6 months and need to be repeated if it is somethings that works for you.
How much does it cost?
Please see our Prices page.
I would like to know more about this treatment.
Please make an appointment to see Dr. Susana Morris, who will take your full medical history, examine you and assess if this is a treatment you may benefit from.