How long does it take for the skin to heal following treatment?
Typically, healing takes 2-10 days. It is better to keep the skin moist with Vaseline during this time. The areas should also be cleaned 1-2 times daily. Make-up can be safely worn 24-hours after surgery. Occasionally, we advise application of a mild topical steroid cream.
What are the side-effects and long-term results following shave excision?
Up to 5% may regrow and may require further surgery longer-term. We are always happy to review patients if they have any concerns post-treatment.
What after-care is needed?
Generally, very little after care is needed.
How much does it cost?
The costs vary according to the number of skin-tags being removed. We specialise in the treatment of patients with multiple lesions and offer extremely competitive rates compared to private hospitals.
Visit our Prices page for more information.
How safe is it to remove skin-tags?
The specialist team at the clinic are highly trained in skin surgery and all perform surgical procedures on the face and body on a regular basis. So the procedure is extremely safe.