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Thread and Spider Vein removal in Brighton, Hove and Worthing

Microsclerotherapy is a highly specialised technique to treat spider veins or thread veins. It is most often used to treat the thread veins of the legs. Furthermore, it’s considered the ‘gold-standard’ for the treatment of spider veins and is highly successful. At our clinics, Microsclerotherapy is only carried out by highly experienced doctors.  

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Treatment involves tiny injections of an irritating chemical into the superficial veins called a sclerosant. Typically, we use a sclerosant called Sclerovein® that contains a small quantity of local anaesthetic to minimise discomfort. Using Microsclerotherapy, a highly effective spider and thread vein treatment in Brighton, Hove and Worthing, we target the small feeding vessels that cause the spider veins. Usually, the treated areas shrink or completely disappear within 2-3 weeks, delivering impressive results.

Moreover, we use specialised magnified polarised light which allows us to visualise the vessels more accurately, thereby improving the success rate of treatment. A treatment session normally lasts 30-40 minutes. Commonly, 2-3 sessions are needed to achieve 70-80% clearance over 3-4 week intervals. At Laser and Skin Clinics, we can treat extensive areas with Microsclerotherapy. Many patients are amazed at the effectiveness, even after ‘hiding’ their legs for ten or more years.

What are the side effects?

Expected side effects of treatment include:

– Mild discomfort associated with tiny injections.

– Temporary skin swellings (that look like small insect bites and last a few hours).

– Mild bruising or swelling

Occasional side effects of treatment include:  

A small thrombosed vessel that feels like a small tube under the skin. This usually resolves within 6-12 weeks. Wearing support tights for 48 hours can help improve these side effects.

Approximately 1 in 20 patients may experience brown staining around vessels due to inflammation. These typically fade within weeks but may rarely be permanent.

Rare side effects include:

– Small scars at injection sites.

– Allergic reactions to the sclerosant and DVT (deep vein thrombosis).

Microsclerotherapy is generally well-tolerated and most patients see full recovery within three weeks of treatment.

How many sessions will I need?

An appointment at Laser and Skin Clinics for thread and spider vein treatment in Brighton, Hove or Worthing can be made with one of our doctors. During your consultation we will assess your veins and advise about the procedure. Microsclerotherapy for thread and spider vein treatment typically requires 2-3 sessions of treatment to achieve optimal results. 

Spider leg Veins

At Laser and Skin Clinics in Sussex we specialise in spider vein treatment in Brighton, Hove and Worthing clinics, treating smaller spider veins or spider capillaries.

Spider leg veins are the small blue veins that can develop on the lower legs, ankles, thighs and chest. Up to 30% of women will develop spider veins in their lifetime, causing significant embarrassment to many women. Many of our patients tell us they feel ashamed of showing their legs in public and resort to wearing long skirts or trousers.

Spider veins can appear at any age but frequently follow childbirth due to hormones that dilate blood vessels and pressure on deeper leg veins. Spider veins are usually 1-2 mm in diameter or smaller when referred to as spider capillaries. Varicose veins, on the other hand, are larger in diameter and require either vascular surgery or foam sclerotherapy.

What causes spider leg veins?

Spider veins result from the growth and enlargement of small superficial blood vessels in the skin. These vessels are not needed, and their removal causes no harm. They may occur in isolation or develop due to deeper feeding blood vessels. Thread veins tend to be less than 1-2 mm in diameter, compared to varicose veins, which are larger and require more aggressive treatment. If many varicose veins are present, it can be preferable to have these treated first, as their treatment may make spider veins more prominent.

What treatments are available?

We offer a range of treatments at our clinics including Microsclerotherapy, Veinwave® and laser therapy. Therefore, we can provide comprehensive options for spider and thread vein removal in Brighton, Hove and Worthing. All treatments are supervised by a medical doctor to ensure patients receive optimal care. We assess your veins and advise on the most suitable treatment. If you are happy with the explanations provided, we can usually provide treatment on the same day or, alternatively, book you an appointment.

Microsclerotherapy is considered the most effective treatment for spider veins of a reasonable size. Veinwave® and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Laser Therapy are more suitable for small capillary vessels that are too small to inject.

Thread and Spider veins on a woman's legs before and after treatment. Significant reduction post Microsclerotherapy treatment, almost totally gone.

Can Lasers or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) be used to treat leg veins?

Lasers are only effective for treating small capillary veins and mat telangiectasia. Unlike facial veins, leg veins are deeper and larger, making them less accessible to laser light. Treating vessels involves heating the blood inside them, which can risk damaging surrounding skin with scarring. Light therapy for spider veins is sometimes combined with Microsclerotherapy to remove tiny vessels too small to inject. Your practitioner will discuss this with you if they believe laser treatment will enhance your results.

Side effects of laser treatment on the legs can include:

– Redness.

– Blistering.

– Pigmentation.

– Scarring.

These risks are significantly higher in darker skin types.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are larger, thicker veins that result from leaky valves in the venous system of the leg. These large veins require either vascular surgery or advanced treatment with ‘foam sclerotherapy’. Additionally, assessment may be required with a local vascular surgeon or duplex ultrasound to assess the veins in the deeper part of the leg. We would normally refer you to a local vascular surgeon if this treatment is required.

Book your spider and thread vein consultation

Ensure optimal outcomes from your thread and spider vein removal in Brighton and across Sussex by booking with Laser and Skin Clinics today.