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Sagging Eyelids

Best sagging eyelids treatment in Worthing with Laser & Skin

What causes sagging lower eyelids is often a combination of age-related changes or genetic predisposition. Excess skin and/or protruding fat can be present in one or both upper or lower eyelids, but is most common in the upper lids. Saggy upper eyelid skin can droop in front of the eye, blocking the upper vision, and may also be a cosmetic problem. In some cases, droopy eyelids causing vision problems can significantly affect daily life.

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Sagging Eyelids Treatment in Worthing

Expert Skincare in Sussex

Excess skin can also cause an uncomfortable, heavy, tired sensation, particularly when reading or concentrating. Sometimes, sagging eyelid skin can sit on the eyelashes, causing discomfort, pushing the lashes into the area of vision. This can make it difficult to apply make-up. Finally, on the outer side of the upper eyelid, excess skin may track tears in the wrong direction. Known as ‘wicking’, this can lead to watery eyes.

If you’re seeking sagging eyelids treatment in Worthing, options range from non-surgical methods to procedures like sagging eyelids surgery, depending on the severity. Treatments may address both cosmetic concerns and functional impairments.

Excess skin most commonly occurs with ageing, but can also affect younger individuals and often runs in families. It may be associated with ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelids). For those wondering what helps with sagging eyelids, professional advice is crucial. At our Worthing Skin Clinic, we provide personalised dermatologist treatments for sagging eyelids, designed to address your unique needs and concerns.

Contact us today at Laser & Skin Clinics for the best dermatological care in Sussex.