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Laser treatment for facial veins and redness (Rosacea)

Facial redness often results from a combination of background redness and superficial vessels (telangiectasia). Rosacea, a common condition in both men and women, is typically the primary cause. It can be very embarrassing, especially in men, as it is often assumed to be linked to excessive alcohol consumption.

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Our rosacea treatment laser therapy uses a combination of lasers to achieve the best possible results. Typically, 2-3 laser treatments are needed at intervals of 3-6 weeks. Severe redness cases may require 6-8 sessions for optimal results. While medication or creams may help, laser skin treatment for rosacea remains the most effective solution.

Male consultant dermatologist using a laser to remove facial thread veins from a woman's cheeks.

Our experienced team of doctors and aesthetic practitioners can effectively remove facial thread veins (telangiectasia) on the nose and cheeks. Each session takes approximately 20-30 minutes, with most facial veins removed in just 2-3 treatments. We offer laser treatment for spider veins and laser thread vein removal at Laser and Skin Clinics in Worthing, Brighton, and Hove.

Our Lasers

We use the same medical lasers as leading Consultant Dermatologist colleagues around the world. Therefore, our technology and medical experience enables us to achieve excellent results in laser treatment for redness and facial veins. Our technology includes the Diode 532 laser or a Nd:Yag laser, both highly effective for treating vessels on the cheeks and nose. This laser treatment for facial veins is particularly suited for veins up to 2mm in diameter. Larger veins can sometimes be removed by our doctors using electrocautery. For comprehensive results, we often combine the Diode 532 or Nd:Yag lasers with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to treat remaining background redness.

Our laser treatment for rosacea and facial thread veins provides effective, lasting results. Unlike other treatments, such as Veinwave or microwave based technologies, which often require multiple sessions, our laser treatment provides a successful, long-term solution.

Example of rosacea/redness on a man's nose prior to laser treatment. Woman's face before and after facial redness/rosacea treatment with a high grade laser at laser and skin clinics. The after picture shows a vast improvement.